Saturday, October 15, 2011


SUBSCEIPTIONS BY CHINESE RESIDENTS. Following are the contributions by the Chinese residents to tho Hospital Fund The Chinese Association, £6 6s Yee Chong Wing, £5 ss Joe Lee Bros, and Joe Kwong Lee, £4 4s each Sing Kee, Rwong Tiy Chong and Wan Kee Bros., £3 3s edchj Wong She and Co., £2 10s; Hop Fook Chong and. Co., Chow Poo Bros, and Kee Chong, £2 2s each Louis Lock, Sue Gow, Joe You Wah, Ngan Gee Wing Bros., Kirn Sing, Joe Gott, Sam Kee and Co,, Young Gee Bros., Fon Lee, Young How, Wong Young Chong, Wong Koon, Wah Lee, On Lee Jang, Wong Tong Fet, Kwong Mang Lee, Hee Chong, Jim Lee, Low Hop Kee, Sun On Tie, Chung Lee, Loeng Chaeng, Ah Poy, Fook Lee, Tom Hong, Hop Tai, Ying Lee, Wong Wah (Molesworth-street), Loeng Wah, Sun Young Kee, Kwong On, Yee Lee (fruiterer), Ah Gee Bros., Louis Kitt, Wing Lee, Ngan Kee, Joe Guy, Tin Lee, Kern Lee, Kwong Lee, Fuen Lee, Wong Loeng, Gee Wing Bros., Tung Lee and Quong Hop, £1 ls each Gee Hop, Sun on Kee, Wong Wah (Lambtonquay), Wong Kong and You Lee, £1 each Sing Lee, Lum Chan, ifoung Mang, Wong Wey, Joe Wey, Joe Quick, Joe Jick, jhing Yin (Petone), Wong Too (Petone), Lueng Kee, Ngan Lee, Yee Lee (laundry), Young Wing On, and Sue Sun Sen, 10s 6d each Sun Tai Wah, Wong Lee, Chew Lee, Chow Kee, Kong Lee, Willis Chong, Lock Lim, Joe Pow, Chaeng Lee, Sam Loong, Young Jung, Yee Hing, Chow Youk Quin, Yee Kee, On Kee, Loeng Wai, Louis Sum, Young Wah Chong, Chow Fook Young, Loo Kee, Low Leo (Lower Hutt), Chow Yin, Low Kirn Youk, Sue Tong and Chow Yum, 10s each Dye Kum Shei, Wong Shah Chew, Yee Wing, Low Wing Laong, Chok Quirk Kong, Low Kuem, Joo Sheck Guy, Kong You, Ngan Chew, Louis Ping, Jir Hong, Jir Jim, Jir Que, Yep Lee, Joe Kee, You Kee, Mow Lee, Ngan Chairm, Kwong Shang, Kong Dick, Jir Gow, Joe Keun Keg, Joe Gow, Joe Chong, Cheong Young, Joe Ling, Shoon Chew Young, Moat Young, Joe Pow, Ngan Peng, Young Ping, Foeung Choeng, Low Tong, Joo Quin, Yep Kum Ling, Sheck Lorn, Sue Cook Ling, Sung Lee, Kong Young, Joe Kum You, Tom Kong/ Lock Koy Fei, Joe Chaene; Gee, Joe Shew and Tong Shing, 5s each Some Ling, 3s Gee Gee, 3s 6d; Sue Ha, Chaeng Tres, Kow Kee, Wong Louis, Young Ding, Sue Shen, Chow Youk, Ngan Gow, Yee Sook Wah, Joo Tong, Kong Loong, Kong Houk, Sue Wing, Yuen Young, Chow Young, f oung Chee, Joe Shing, Young Lee, 2s 6d each. Total, £123 9s. It has been represented to us that Joe Lee, Courtenay-place, should be mentioned as one of tho collectors of the above list. Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 38, 13 August 1910, Page 7

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