Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Hospital authorities desire to acknowledge the receipt uf the following donations to the Hospital from local Chinese residonts —Joe Kwong Shing Lee, Kwong Shing, £5 53 each Joe Kwong Lee, £4 4s Yem Kern Lee, Hum Kee, Wong Hop, £2 2s each ChoDg Chee, Hung Lee, £1 Is each Joe Ping, 10s Lue Gow, Lua Joe Hung, Wong Hee, Tong Yun Dick, Tai Tung Gow. Joe Chec, Chaw Lai. 5s each Sue Yum, Wong Gen Cheung, Turn Sui, 3s; Wong Me Cheung, Quan Hung, Yang Tai 2s 6d each. Total, £26 3d 6d. Manawatu Times, Volume XXVII, Issue 7565, 22 October 1902, Page 2

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