The Chinese residents of Wellington City, Lower Butt, and Petone hare contributed the sum of £236 8a to the Wellington Public Hospital In appreciation of the treatment received and attention given to their countrymen whilst in the Hospital. The following la the. list of contributors:—Yee Cheong Wing (Chin Ting), £15; Wong Sheo and Co., £15; Gee Bros., Chung Wall and Co., Young Bow Bros., Lum Leo Bros., Oriental Fruit Co., each £5 ss; Kung Wah Cheong, Joe Kwong Lee, Wan Kee Bros. (Courtenay place), G. Wah Kee, each £5: Wah Keo Bros. (Lambton quay), Wah On, Y. C. Young, Joe Lee Wah, Joe Lee anil Sons, Wong Too, each £3 3s; Sing On Tie, Peter Chan, each £3; Sun Tal Wah, £2 10s; Jim Lee, 1). J. Kwoin and Co., Kee Chong and Co., Sun Young Kee, Wah Hlng, Chow Boor, Wong Poy and Co.. Loo Jung, Kong Kee, Quui? Kee, Ngan Wall, Y. K. Wong, Ying Lee Garden, Yop Sang Lee Garden, Yep Lee Garden, Joe Young Garden, Kwong Tong Chong, each £2 2s; Charlie Hong Hop Hlng, Wong Cluing Lai, Joe Lee Bros., each £2; L. Long, Yons KonK, Yee Ming, each £1 10s; Pack and Kal Garden, £1 11s fid Bang Tung, Wing Lee, Wong Tong, Tom Hong, Wah Shlng, J. Wong Wah, Hop Lee, Gee Yinft, Ying Lee, Lay Young, Joe Fook Shum, Mrs. Joe Lee Wah, Joe Joo, Ngarn See, Yue H. Jackson, Y. P. Lee, Is'gam Kum Ping, On Lee, Ng Yew Sul, Ah Leon", Ngam Chong, Sue Gow, Young Chew, N. Leo Chong, Wong Lowe, Chla Mon Poy, Get Chong, Norn Lee, Lou Chew, Ylng Hing Garden, Joe Lee Laundry, each 1 Is; Sam Kee, Mini; Hong, Te Aro Fruit Co., H. Wong She. Wah Lee, Kwong Man Leo, Sing On Kee, W. Los, Kwong Hlng, Ngam Shlu, Dlclc Lee, Wong Gee Lai, Tso Kum Shlng, Ngan Cliongg and Co., Soo Shin Hing, Sing Lee. Sanf Lee and Co., Wong Fong, Sam Lee Garden, Quen Wah, Ngam Gee, L. P. Shang, each £1; Arthur Shee. 15s; Geo. Yoe, On Wuh, Wong Lut Won, Won
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