Tuesday, October 11, 2011



(To the Editor

Slß,— Will you kindly insert the following for the information of one who signs himself "Subscriber." T beg to Btate that the money collected by me amounted to 19a.; but knowing that deceased had a small amount in the Savings Bank, I wrote to the sister of deceased to know if it could be obtained, in addition" to what I had collected, to meet the necessary expenses for the removal of the body buthaving received no satisfactory answer, this has caused the delay of which "Subscriber" so pointedly speaks of and this also has kept me from giving a public report, as T thought it was not necessary until things were brought to some decisive point. I beg to return thanks to all who subscribed to the fund, but seeing the money in the Savings Bank is not likely to be obtained, I shall return subscribers their money but as one who subscribed viz. Wong On has left New Zealand, I shall give his subscription which amounted to 4s. to the Tuapeka Hospital. Hoping this will give "Subscriber" a clear view of how matters stand. I am, &c, James Tbeloar. Lawrence, October 2nd, 1876. Tuapeka Times, Volume IX, Issue 606, 7 October 1876, Page 3


(To the Editor.) Sir,— ln reply to "Subscriber's" ldter, which appeared in Saturday's issue, lbeg to make the few following remarkslith regard to Wong On's subscription! 1 cannot but contradict the statement of "Subscriber" as he states that it Us more than one contribution irom the Camp Hotel. Now, this I emphaticQly deny, as the 4s of which I spoke was ttat gentleman's subscription, and his alole. With reference to other names being n the list," I must allow that there weraa few but names alone will avail nothinT you might just as well have so muci empty space. For "Subscriber's" in formation, the following are the persona from whom I received cash William) Towndrow, 2s 6d T. Tyler, 5s Wong On, 4s Capstick, 2s 6d Chu Que, 2s 6d; See Que, 2s 6d total, 193. If any one has subscribed whose name is not 1 published, let them come forward and speak for themselves. With reference to the funds being handed to the Tuapeka Hospital, I shall take no steps, in ihe matter (only with the subscription of that gentleman who has left New Zealand); for as the money was not used for the purpose for which it was collected, I shall return each their subscription, so that "Subscriber" can still, with the others, hand it over to the aforesaid institution. Subscriber" would do well if in fucure he would be a little more guarded in hia expressions, and not make use of such statements as are apt to lead people astray, and for which he himself has no proof, but is merely building on his own imagination. He appears to be writing for writing's sake alone, and not as one who manifests any interest in the matter. I am, &c,

James Treloar. Lawrence, Oct. 17th, 1876. Tuapeka Times, Volume IX, Issue 610, 21 October 1876, Page 3



(To tie Editor.)

Sir,— ln answer to Mr. Jamss Trelnar's letter, respecting the Gibbs' Memorial Fund, I beg leave to say that the four shillings mentioned as having been given by Mr. Wong On. was taken from the till or cash box belonging to the firm of Wong On and Sara Chew Lain, conjointly. Of course I mean with ths knowledge and consent of both parties, and as the latter gentleman told me this himself, and gave me fall permission to make use of his name, I think it ought to be sufficient proof that 1 did not write for the sake of writing, or make use of any expression I could not prove. There is one portion of Mr. Treloar's letter with which I quite agree. That is where he says names alone on a subscription list avail nothing, they are no better than empty space. Now, knowing that Mr. James Treloar's name was down on the abovementioned list, I am sorry to say that after carefully perusing the same, I fail to recognise his name amongst the list of subscribers (as supplied by himself) to the above fund, who had actually paid their money. As I have not the slightest wish or intention to say one word offensive or hurtful to hin feelings, I wish to sta+e that I believe that he has refunded the whole of the money subscribed to the above fund with the exception of the disputed four shillings mentioned above. I am, &c, Subscriber. Tuapeka Times, Volume IX, Issue 612, 28 October 1876, Page 3

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