Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The following pnblic notification appears in the columns of the Tuapeka Times At a meeting of the Num, Pun, and Sun. tribes ot Chinese, held at the Chinese Empire Hotel on Monday, the Bth instant, Mr Wong On in the chair, it was proposed, duly seconded, and unanimously carried, Ist. That active measures be at once commenced for the erection of a Club-hcuse in Dnnedin1, for the reception of their countrymen on their arrival from Chiua.' 2nd. That the contribution towards this object be not less than £5 for each subscriber.'—Wong Ox, Chairman Chin Ah Sum, Secretary." The Tuapeka Times, referring to this announcement, says £200 has been already collected for this object. Otago Daily Times , Issue 3178, 13 April 1872, Page 2

"At a meeting of the Num, Pun, and Sun tribes of Chinese, held at the Chinese Empire Hotel, on Monday, the Bth instant, Mr Wong On in the chair, it "was proposed, duly seconded, and unanimously carried, Ist. That active measures be at once commenced for the erection of a Club-house in Dunedin, for the reception of their countrymen on their arrival from China 2nd. That the 'contribution towards this object be not less than L 5 for each subscriber.' Wong On, Chairman Chin Ah Sum, Secretary." The Tuapeka Times' referring to this announcement, says L2OO has been already collected for this object Bruce Herald, Volume VI, Issue 414, 17 April 1872, Page 5

Chinese Club. —The following public notification appears in the columns of the Tupaeka Times At a" meeting of the Num. Pun, and Sun tribes of Chinese held at the Chinese Empire Hotel on Monday, the Bth instant, Mr. Wong On in the chair, it was proposed, duly seconded, and unanimously carried, ist, 'That active measures be at once commenced for the erection of a Ciub-house in Dunedin, for the reception of their countrymen on their arrival from China." 2nd. That the contribution towards this objeci be not less than £5 for each subscriber. Wong On, Chairman Chin ah Sum, Secretary."
Colonist, Volume XV, Issue 1526, 10 May 1872, Page 7

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