Friday, March 28, 2014


Argument in the oase of Regina v. Fong Cbong and Clara Fong Chong was oommenced in the Court of Appeal this morning, before tho Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Richmond, Mr. Justice Williams, and Mr. Justice Ward. This is a Crown case reserved. At the last criminal Bitting of the Supreme Court Fong Chong and his wife were sentenced to two years' imprisonment by the Chief Justice, but his Honour withheld sentence so that the Court of Appeal mi^ht oonßider the following points i (1) Whether there was evidence to go to the jury of the charge of which the prisoners were convicted j (2) whether the Chief Justice ought to have given the direction to the jury he was requested by the prkoner's counaql to give j (3) whether, by reason of the omission of the interpretation, the male prisoner ought to have been convicted; (4) whether the conviction, or either 'of them, ought to be reversed or affirmed. Mr. Bell appears for the Crown, and Messrs. Jelliooe and Skerrett for the male and female prisoners respectively. Evening Post, Volume XXXV, Issue 133, 7 June 1888, Page 3 CONVICTION AFFIRMED. In the Appeal Court the argument has concluded in tho case of Regina v. Fong Chong and Clara Fong Choug. At the last criminal sessions prisoners were charged with child-murder. They were acquitted on the more serious offense and sentenced to two years' hard labor for concealment of birth, Certain points were reserved, ooe being the misdirection of the Chief Justice to jury, and second, whether by reason of omission of interpretation of evidence tho male prisoner ought to have been convicted. The Court affirmed the conviction and sentence be will carried out. Thames Advertiser, Volume XX, Issue 6100, 9 June 1888, Page 2

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