Saturday, October 6, 2012

A CHINESE DISCLAIMER. (To the Editor.) Sir, —On behalf of the Chinese, residents in Auckland, the majority of whom are members of one or the undersigned clubs, we hereby disclaim the sentiments expressed in the letter published in your paper of the 4th inst. under the heading "White New Zealand" and purporting to be' signed by the "Chinese Association." So far as we are aware there is no such body aa the "Chinese Association" existent in Auckland, but if there is such a body, then it comprises a very small number of the Chinese residents here and certainly does not include any of the members of the respective clubs. —We are, etc., THE CHINESE NATIONALIST PARTY, WAIPAI (President). THE CHINESE MASONIC SOCIETY. CHIN KING LIM (Master). THE KWONG CHEU CLUB, CHUNG MING (President). THE TZE SHING CLUB, LOWE NAM. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 107, 7 May 1926, Page 13

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