Saturday, February 11, 2012



A meeting of creditors in the bankrupt estate of Wong Joe Vim, Chinese fruiterer, Eketahuna, was held this morning, the Official Assignee (Mr. S. j Tansley) presiding. Mr. E. M. Sladden appeared for the petitioning creditors, and Mr. Hogg for W. C. Ling, of Carterton, a brother of the bankrupt, who has taken over the business. The Official Assignee informed the meeting that the bankrupt was missing, and there was no statement of accounts. The stock at Eketahraia had been brought down to Wellington, and was being sold. It had been valued at £218. The place bore the appearance of having been shut up for five or six weeks. Ling had a claim against the estate of £282 18s 3d. Mr. Sladden said an application had been made to the Court for a warrant of arrest, but the application had been held over for proof that the man was 1 about to leave the Dominion. It was stated that Ling had said he was quite prepared to do the right thing by the estate. The Official Assignee said the bankrupt was overdrawn at the bank to the amount of £312. Mr. Sladden remarked that bankrupt was a patron of race meetings. When a meeting was on he would attend it and put a notice,'on the door, "Without." (Laughter.) A book, evidently a ledger in Chinese, was produced, and the Official Assignee said he would get it interpreted. Mr. A. Jacobs moved that if the interpretation warranted such a course, the Official Assignee be authorised to lay an information against bankrupt for failing to keep proper books. This was agreed to, and the meeting adjourned sine die. Evening Post, Volume XCV, Issue 152, 27 June 1918, Page 8

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