Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Chinese Wedding

A Chinese Wedding. The American correspondent of the Morning Herald lias the following; One of the objections to Chinese immigration is the fact that it does not involve families. But very few women come over, and these, alas nearly all lead impure lives. Still, some of the Chinese merchants have wives and children, and occasionally a. marriage takes place. Recently in .San Francisco were married Mr Le Young and Miss Ah Chung. The services were peculiar. The presents to the bride were from her female friends only. On the second day after the marriage the newly-made husband gave a banquet to 500 guests. It was a strange feast, and included sw&llows' nests, stewed sharks' fins with chopped chicken, roast Chinese goose with ginger and cucumbers, ducks wrapped in dry orange peel stewed, and, of course, tea without stint. While the feast was under weigh a roar of firecrackers announced the coming of the bride. She entered the room with a fan before her face, and it was with difficulty the guests caught a glimpse of her featvnes. The feasting was kept up three days, and then the bride entertained her female friends. The groom was not permitted to be with his bride until the third day, when he was sent for, and took her away from her father's to his own house." Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIII, Issue 9512, 4 October 1881, Page 2

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