Saturday, February 11, 2012



The wedding was solemnised at 7 o'clock last night at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. N. F. E. Robertshawe, of Lucy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Fore, Wanganui, to Arthur, fifth son of Mr. and Mrs. Chin Ting, Wellington.

The bride was escorted by Mr. E. Yen, and wore a trained gown in white magnolia satin cut in Grecian style with large ruched yoke and tight-fitting sleeves to the wrist, and long rope pearls round the waist falling softly to the hemline. Her embroidered veil was arranged at the back of her head with orange blossom, and she carried a beautiful trailing bouquet of carnations, roses, and maidenhair fern. She was attended by two bridesmaids, her sister, Miss Theresa Fore, and Miss Winnie King Hon (Bulls). They were dressed alike in pale pink windswept georgette frocks made with flaring shoulder epaulettes, and wore caps with tiny flowers in their hair. They carried bouquets to tone. The flower-girl, Shirley Tins, niece of the bridegroom, was dressed in a pale green windswept georgette frock, made Empire style, with very full skirt, on which there were tiers of frills finished with flat flowers, and she carried a dainty basket of flowers. The little page boy, James Yu, son of the Chinese vice-consul, was trainbearer, and looked very charming in a magnolia satin suit of the same material as the bride's dress. He carried a cushion with horseshoe and wedding bells embroidery.

The duties of best man were carried out by Mr. Joseph Ting, and Mr. Edward Ting was groomsman.

The reception was held at the Oddfellows' Hall, Clyde Quay, where over two hundred guests were entertained. Mrs. K. C. Fore received the guests wearing a royal blue raindrop satin gown with hat and posy to tone. She was assisted by Mrs. Yen, who wore a gown of turquoise and gold lame and carried a posy to tone.

Later the bride and bridegroom left for a tour of the North Island, the bride travelling in a tailored fawn ensemble with hand-embroidered blouse and hat and shoes to tone. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a musquash fur coat.

Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Yen, the Chinese Consul, Mr. Feng Wang, and Mrs. Feng Wang, the vice-Consul, Mr. Yue Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Yuu, Mr. and Mrs. Fore. Mr. and Mrs. George Ting. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ting, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Cooper, Mr. James Fore, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wills and daughters,. Mr. and Mrs.T. Wong She, Mr. and Mrs. G. Miller, Miss Evelyn Monk, and Mr. Bert Monk, Mrs. Dellow and daughters (Wanganui), Mr. and Mrs. Pearce (Wanganui). Evening Post, Volume CXXI, Issue 31, 6 February 1936, Page 18

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