Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Elaborate Ceremonials. The many curious customs of the Chinese have been a constant source of wonder and amusement to the tourist in China. By far the oddest but most impressive of their ceremonies is the burial rites for their dead. The Chinese hold their dead in high esteem, and shower honors upon their memories by burning incense and candles daily. They also honor their relatives who have died many years before.

As soon as a Chinaman dies his relatives embalm him. Dressed in the richest garments, he is placed in a teakwood coffin, solid and airtight, and the coffin is closed and sealed. It is then placed., in front of the family altar. This altar is hung with richly embroidered draperies and decorated with flowers, vases, and josses. The period of mourning begins at once, especially among the women of the deceased's household. They start a daily lamentation over their loss, and are joined in their occupation of wailing by relatives and friends. The male members of the family are busy digging the grave, while the womenfolk, assisted by the professional mourners, do the* wailing.

The grave is half under and half above the ground, and is enclosed by a crescent-shaped wall about two feet high. Another thing to be prepared for. the dead is a miniature house, which is provided with miniature furniture- This idea is to provide the deceased with all the comforts of a home in the regions where he is going. An image of the deceased, together with drinkables and eatables and money, is placed on the coffin the day of the funeral. The image is not buried, but is burned in the presence of the mourners, who, during the process, shriek and make the most frightful noises. This is to drive out the evil spirit with which the dead man is supposed to be possessed.

When the funeral services are over the mourning banners are taken home and used as ornaments on the bare whitewashed walls' of the rooms. The more the banners the greater the honor paid to the dead. The miniature house procedes the mourners to the grave. Then follows the elaborate hearse, draped with rich dark blue velvet, with silver fringes, borne by the natives. The mourners, too, are supposed to assist in carrying it, which they do by holding on to the "white cords attached to the hearse. Refreshments are served at the burial-ground, and at the end of the services the friends and relatives partake of the food to show their appreciation. Rodney and Otamatea Times, Waitemata and Kaipara Gazette , 22 November 1911, Page 3

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