Tuesday, December 13, 2011




CHILDREN ALSO INJURED(By Telegraph—Press Association.)AUCKLAND, December 25,

While Christmas Eve merriment was at its height at Cambridge, a domestic tragedy was enacted in a back street near the heart of the town.

A white woman, Petrina Louise Petersen, 29 years of age, was found with deep wounds inflicted upon heithroat. Beside her lay her two halfcaste Chinese children, Keith Leong Petersen, three years and one month, and Nancy Lee Petersen, one year and nine months, who were also suffering from throat wounds.

The condition of all three is not critical;

Evening Post, Volume CXXII, Issue 153, 26 December 1936, Page 12



(By Telegraph—Press Association.]


The case is proceeding in the Supreme Court of Petrina Louise Kui, of Cambridge, who was charged, before Mr. Justice Fair, with attempting on December 24 to murder her two half-caste Chinese children, Keith Leong Pe,tersen and Nancy Lee Petersen, "and further with attempting to commit suicide. The Crown advised the jury that it might be wise to consider the case leniently.

In opening the Crown's case, Mr. Fitzgerald said that for the past six years the accused had been living in Cambridge with Fong Bink Kui, and the two had posed as man and wife. They had two children and since the Lower Court trial the two had been married.

Dr. Henry Qharles Tod, of Cambridge, said that on December 24 he went to the kitchen of Fong Lee's laundry in Empire Street, Cambridge. He found the accused and her two children with the front portion of their clothes saturated with blood. The boy was suffering from a single transverse cut along the front of the neck. Although the windpipe and important vessels were not severed the child was'weak from loss of blood. The little girl was suffering from a similar wound^but it was riot so serious. Witness found the accused also suffering from a similar superficial wound, which was not serious. She was excited and talked considerably. Witness did not think the accused was intoxicated. She admitted to the witness inflicting the wounds with a razor, and said she wished that she had made a better effort but the razor was too blunt. Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 41, 18 February 1937, Page 11


(By Telegraph—Press Association.) HAMILTON, February 18. Charged in the.Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Fair, with, attempting on December 24 to murder her two half-caste Chinese children, Keith Leong Petersen and Nancy Lee Petersen, and further with attempting to commit suicide, Petrina Louise Kui was found guilty on all counts by a jury with a strong recommendation to mercy. His Honour said he agreed with the recommendation and admitted the prisoner to probation for a period of twelve months. Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 42, 19 February 1937, Page 15

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