Crown Case Against Laborer Charged With Murder SHO LEUNG SHUM'S Last Words
THE tragic circumstances surrounding the death of Sho Leung Shum have been fully recounted In previous issues of "N.Z. Truth" Buch information as tres available Immediately after the dreadful occurrence, coming from the wrinkled lips of Sue Pee, a Chinese, sixty-eight years of age, who was employed by the murdered man and occupied the same hut since May last. In the witness-box for two hours and forty minutes, Sue Pee was the chief witness for the Crown, Sue It was, who shortly after daybreak following the shooting-rand after a night of dread m the tussocks beside the rough trader-brought- the shocking news to the nearest link with civilisation, the little settlement of Kyeburn, some four miles from 'the scene of the tragedy. The greater part of the evidence by other Crown witnesses was devoted' to information regarding the movements of accused on the day of and prior to —the tragedy, and to the identification of numerous samples of gold byexperlenced miners. A feature of the proceedings was the number of exhibits,; which, besides innumerable small phials containing, gold of various gradings from different claims m the dlstriot, included two full sacks of boots, gold amalgamating material, a broken rifle, pictures and a pair of opera glasses. NZ Truth , Issue 1189, 13 September 1928, Page 8
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