Friday, October 21, 2011


The Chinese Universities' British Association football team arrived in Sydney a fortnight ago, and have already played several matches. Mr. H. A. Millard, who spent eight months in China., and organised the present team, 6aid that it consisted of seventeen players, and that the manager was Mr. Mok Hing. Western games had only been played in China during the last fifteen years, but the Chinese were rapidly acquiring skill which would in time make them worthy op'jtonents jn all branches.

Mr. Mok Hing, manager, in an interview with a "Sydney Morning Herald" reporter, said that the team was not out for the sole object of conquest. While they were prepared-to put forth their best efforts to gain the ascendancy, still they were imbued with a bigger idea than winning or losing a match. They would accept defeat in the true sporting spirit, and would rejoice over their victories in the modest manner which became true sportsmen. They were all temperate lads, and only, one-fifth of the team were smokers. The lads realised that they were ambassadors for their country.

The team, which is composed" mainly of University students, looks smart and alert in blue caps edged with white, me team is on the light side, just averaging lOst. S. K. Sheun, the giant of the team, stands over 6ft, and weighs lost. The visitors have players of every sport in their ranks—tennis, running, and baseball devotees predominating Iwo of the players, Ip Kau Ko and Kwok Po Kan, are the present holders of the lawn tennis doubles championship of Canton. A baseball match will most likß arranged with the New South Wales Baseball Association. Fourteen out of the seventeen are members of the South China Soccer. Association* and have played together throughout the season.

The following players are included in the team:—

Mr. Mok Hing, the manager of the team, was educated- at Oxford College and Hongkong University. He hais represented ite. Hongkong; University at cricket and football. He was the promoter of. the South' China- Athletic Association, which caters for all branches of athletics in Hongkong, and is the present chairman of that body. He is a broker in Hongkong. Leuhe.yuk,Tong, the captain,, wag educated at Queen's College, Hongkong, and the Wantsai Government College. He is. 26= yearns--old, and plays in the right halt position. He has represented China in five Far Eastern' Olympic Oames. On the running track. he has had many successes. He won the tivejnile open championship at Canton in 1920. aiid capf-ained the Olympic team in 1921 mid 1923. In'-civilian'life ho is a broker.

Lav Hing Cheung is the goalkeeper. He is & years of age, and was educated at the Wantsaj Government' College. He is a merchant, and was a member of ;the Chinese team at tho Far Eastern Olympic Games on four occasions. He is! a successful distance runner.

Chan So is one', of the full-backs. He is 24 years old, and after attending the Waaitsai Government College took up the profession of accountancy. ;On two occasions he was a member of succeesful Chinese teams, to the Far Eastern Game 3.

Ng Kam Cheun plays in either the full-back or half-back position*. He is one of the youngest members of the team, being oniy 19, and is v, student at Queen' 3 College. He is an all-round athlete, and besides being a tennis pliiyer. has won many sprint championships. Lam Yuk Ying is a half-back, atod a student of St. Paul's College. Although only 20 years old, he has distinguished himself in various track races. He holds the 220 yards record of the Queen's College. His time was 23aec.

W? nS, Sllul Wall, aged 25, plays in the half-back position. He is a. merchant in Hongkong, and was a member of the Chinese team in the Far Eastern Olympic Games.

Leung Tai Fong, who attended the -the Wantsai Government College, is the father." He is 32 years old, and a half-back. He has represented China ifi five Far Eastern Olympic teams. Chang Kwong Yui is a student at St.' Paul's College, and is 19 years of age He plays in the forwards. He is an allround athlete, and represented China in the Far Eastern Olympic Games of 1921. 1923.

Li Wai Tong, a forward, was educated at Qijeen's College, and is 19 years of ago. He is a contractor, and waa a mombei o f the 1922 China representative team.

Wong Pak Cheung, the centre forward of the combination, was educated at Wantsai Government College and St. Paul's College, and' is 30 years of ago. He is a merchant in Hongkong,, and has played with various senior teams in that eil-v.

Ip Kan Ko plays in the forwards: After attending the Queen's College, he en-' tered the .service of the Bank of Canton. He is 21 years of age. and has had a distinguished sporting career in thi> British Association and lawn tennis spheres.

Pang Kam Wing plays on the right wing, and is an engineer in the Hongkong Naval Yard. He was educated at the Wantsai Government College, and is 26 years old.

Kwok Po Kan is a forward, 27 years old, and was educated at the Wantsai Government College. He has been successful in several Chinese tennis tournaments^ and also as a hurdler and sprint cliampion.

Wang" Chen Sheng, of Pekin, is 24 years old, and a student of Fuh Tan University. He is a prominent athlete, and plays in the forwards. Chang Shi En, another forward, is a student, of the' l?uh Tun University. H s is 24 years old: and laas been successful in tho University athletics.

Shen Kuo Siieujt. the giant of ths team, is a student at the Nan-vans University. Mukden. Ho is 26 "years old, ami plays in the forwards. Ho alto is atennis and baseball player of merit. Evening Post, Volume CVI, Issue 43, 20 August 1923, Page 4

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