Sunday, October 16, 2011

Orientalising Trade Buying in Cheapest Market.

Commenting on "The March of Asia," a Palmarston North correspondent refers to the arrival of the Chinese m other trades than, green -grocering, market-gardening, arid laundering. He tells of. a. Chinese who is invading the wood and coal business with a Ford lorry. The Chinese can afford a .Ford because he does not afford- himself- the standard of living maintained by; TO in* opean competitors; '-.but he could not afford a Ford if Europeans did not patronise him. It is 1 "up to" Europ?ans to stand for their own standard •of life or fall by it. Buying m the cheapest market mean's, m this case, fostering the man who has the economic' ability to capture all markets. If it is one trader's turn to-day, it will be every traders' turn to-morrow NZ Truth , Issue 1012, 18 April 1925, Page 6

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