Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The Chinese enumerated at the census of April, 1896, numbered 3711, against 4444 m 1891, a decrease of 16.49 per cent. Of the number m 1896, 3685 were males and 26 females. Of the males 88 were returned as married. The number of the Chinese under 14 years was only 25— 14 males and 11 females. These num T bers do not include the ißPue of unions between Chinese males and European females. Their occupations show 2162 gold miners, 527 market and other gardeners with 129 assistants, 94 greengrocers and 38 assistants, 94 shop or store keepers and 30 assistants, 59 labourers, 43 hotel servants, 31 vegetable,27 general, and 25 fish-hawkers, 30 laundrymen and women, 30 domestic servants; 29 lodging house keepers, £7 cooks (not domestic), 24 farm labourers, 19 eating house keepers, 19 grocers with 21 assistants, 16 fishermen, 11 merchants with 6 assistants,? drapers and 1 assistant. Amongst various others m small numbers "each,' are returned 1 law clerk, 2 missionaries, 5 medical men, 1 dentist/ 1 interpreter, 2 bankers, 1 opium seller. Three of the Chinese were inmates of hospitals, and 3 others of benevolent asylums. While 22 were lunatics only 2 were prisoners m gaol. Timaru Herald, Volume LX, Issue 2304, 26 January 1897, Page 4

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