Figures relating to boy' unemployjnent were given hy Mr. P. Myers at the Wellington Rotary Club'a luncheon ;fco*day..-
Mr. Myers said that •up to 30th November, 601 boys were registered by •the Boy .Unemployment Committee, the ageß. ranging from •14 to 20 years. Of these x _l93 had left school, and had left tKeirpositions; 73 had left school, and had.jieyer had work; 146 were at school, and were ready to leave at any time, and, 189 boys would leave school at the end of the year. Two; hundred and thirty boys had been found positions on.farms.
Mr. Myers appealed to those who fcould to'take/ra. atboy at their offices, &nd if they were not able to take on a Jjoy,- to persuade others to do so.
A deputation from the local Chinese -community: Tyaited upon .Mr. 'X, jP, Staples, organiser of: the Boy Employment Committee, this morning to assure the committee of. their .sympathy and. interest in the committee's work, and trusted that the committee would .reach, its objective of securing work for 500.. boys before Christmas. They volunteered their- assistance by .way of special attractive displays at a. later date, and meantime, without any solicitation whatever, made a contribution, of £12:. 10s. toward the Work of the Boy Employment Committee. This amount was subscribed by the following:—William Kwok Wong She- and-Co., Oriental Fruit Co., each; Chung Wah and' Co., Wah. Kee Bros., W. Lowe, H. and P. Young, Wai. On and Co., Wing Bros., Young Howe Bros., Joe Kwong Lee and Co., Wong She ana Sons, Hing You Bros., P. Young and Son, Te Aro Seed Co. (Yee Chong Wing), Gee Bros., Joe Lee Wah and Co., Kung Wah Cheong, Hop Hing, Y. C. Young and Co., Sun Young Kec, 10s each; and Joe Lee Bros., Joe Biros., 5s each —total £12. 10s.
Mr. Staples says that the barometer Tecor.ding business.people's applications for boys is rising steadily. Evening Post, Volume CXIV, Issue 130, 29 November 1932, Page 9
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