Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Interesting Statistics. A Blue Book for the year 1895, just issued, contains a quantity of interesting inforinttion, from whioh we extract the following The population on December 81st was 869,725 males and 328,891 females. There wero 22,861 male Maoris and 19,182 females. The oxoess of births over deaths for the year was 5527 males and 6150 females. The net gain of Chinese by immigration was ii. There were 57 for»ip,nei'B naturalised as follows 1 Austrian, 17 Chinese, 4 Danes, 10 Oennans, 1 Hanoverian, 4 Prussians, 8 Finns, 1 Pole, 1 Norwegian, 8 Swedes, 6 Syriani, 1 Turk. Otago registered the most births and most marriages, and Auckland tho most deaths. There woro 198 cases of twins registered, Otago leading the list with 53. Wanganui Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 8914, 28 July 1896, Page 2

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