Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Tuapeka Times, Volume VII, Issue 336, 7 March 1874, Page 3 http://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/paperspast?a=d&cl=search&d=TT18740307.2.17.2&srpos=30&e=-------100--1----0%22wong+on%22+--


Tuesday, Ist June.

_Before-E. H. Carew (chairman), Win. Jamison and M. Fraor, Esqrs., commissioners.] The following applications for publicans, publicans night, and bottle licenses, were heard before the Commisioners and granted DISTRICT OF TOWN OP LAWEENCB. John Newton Storry, publican's general and night license Riohard Williams, publican's general and night John:. Christopher Roberts, publican's general and night John Airey, publican's John Roughan, publican's general and night j Margaret Donovan, publican's general and night j Archibald M'Kinlay, bottle; Thomas Arthur, bottle; James Harris, bottle; -Frederick Meyer, bottle; Joseph Bell, publican's general and night. '^IiICENSINO- DISTEICT OP XAWBENOB. James S. V»al, publican's and night, Provincial Hotel, Waipori; Joseph Cox, bottle, store; Waipori Mark Higgins, bottle, store, Havelock.; Thomas Hammond, pubiioan's, Murrays Flat Hotel; Johanna Lewis, bottle, store, Waipori Agnes, Taylor, publican's, Tuapeka Mouth Hotel Ellen Humphrey, publican's and night, Prince of Wales Hotel, Waipori John Johnson, publican's, Bridge Hotel, Waipori; John M'Rae, publican's, Railway Hotel, Round Hill William Kavanah, publican's, Manuka Flat Hotel William Houston, bottle, store, Manuka Creek; David Evans, publican's, Provincial Hotel, Evans Flat James Hopkins," publican's, Thistle Hotel, Evans Flat, granted to Mrs Hopkins as executrix of the will of James Hopkins John Shumate, publican's, Union Hotel, Wetherstones Flat'; Robt. Cogbill, publican's and night, Bridge Hotel, Havelock; Susan Dewes, bottle, Waitahuna; William Duff, bottle, Waitahuna John Morris, publican's and night, Inverness Hotel, Havelock Christian Long, publican's and night,' Tuapeka Hotel, Tuapeka Flat Robert Grieve, publican's and night, Grieves Hotel, Blue Spur William Walker, publican's, and night, Royal Hotel, Waitahuna Wong On, publican's and night, Chinese Empire Hotel, Tuapeka Flat; Qui Hing, bottle, store, Tuapeka Flat; Sing Lee, publican's, Commercial, Hotel, Waipori Archibald M'Donald, publican's, Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Beaumont; Sinclair M'Beath, publican's, Crookston Hotel, Beaumont; John Cranley, publican's and night, Golden Age Hotel, Wetherstones James Craig, publican's,. Junction Hotel, Switzers Road; James Chalmers publican's Half-way House. The' following were adjourned for fourteen days, Thomas Hinde, publican's, Blue Spur Hotel i Robert Cotton, publican's,' "Waipori Hotel Margaret Dickson, publican's Diggers Rest Hotel, Waipori. Tuapeka Times, Volume VIII, Issue 465, 2 June 1875, Page 3

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